NM Broadband Expansion Resources

2023 New Mexico Broadband Summit
In December 2023, NMCC partnered with Kelly Cable of New Mexico to host the 2023 New Mexico Broadband Summit. The Summit was the first of its kind in the U.S., bringing together ISPs, government officials, industry experts, tribal entities, rural electric/telecommunications cooperatives, and others to provide insight and information to aid broadband expansion in New Mexico.
Broadband expansion is critical for New Mexico, especially in rural areas, to provide equal opportunities for success in education, career, and entrepreneurial endeavors afforded by reliable access to high-speed internet.
The Summit included a variety of speakers and panels who presented and provided incredibly valuable information about broadband and broadband expansion. These presentations containing this information can be found below.
Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program
Isabel Lopez, Team Lead, NTIA
Gabe Montoya, Broadband Program Specialist, NTIA
Chris Becenti, Broadband Program Specialist, NTIA
FCC National Broadband Map
Eduard Bartholme, Senior Outreach Director, Broadband Data Task Force, FCC
About the City of Albuquerque’s Broadband Office
Catherine Nicolaou, Broadband Program Manager, City of Albuquerque
Grant Writing Workshop Panel
Joe Carella, Director of Grants, ENTRUST Solutions Group
Amanda Molina, Senior Director-Business Development – JSI
Jessica Koch, Broadband Program Manager, CALIX
Bringing Clarity to the Federal Permitting Process for Broadband Projects through FAST 41​
PoQueen Rivera, Director of Tribal Affairs, Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council
New Mexico Office of Broadband Access and Expansion
Drew Lovelace, Acting Director, Office of Broadband Access and Expansion
USDA Rural Utilities Service – Telecommunications Program
Billy Kinter, General Field Representative, Rural Utilities Service Telecommunications Program, USDA
Presenting Sponsor

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Lunch Sponsor

Snack Sponsor