Disaster Relief Resources

We’re here to help.
NMCC is deeply saddened by the wildfires and flooding that have affected so many New Mexicans, and we extend our condolences to every family who has been displaced or impacted.
Below is a list of resources available to New Mexicans and businesses around the state affected by wildfires and flooding. We will continue adding to this list as more resources become available.
If you, your business, or someone you know have been impacted by the recent fires or flooding that have taken place, please use the resources below. If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding available assistance, please let us know- we are here to help!
Wildfires and Flooding in Lincoln County
Southern New Mexico Community Foundation and The Community Foundation of Lincoln County
Emergency Action Fund for New Mexico Fire Relief
Mescalero Apache Tribe’s Fire Relief
Salvation Army Southwest Division
Alamogordo Chamber of Commerce
Flooding in Chaves County
Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico
South Fork Fire/Salt Fire Information Hub
FEMA’s Wildfire Prevention & Preparedness Materials
Wildfire Preparedness Checklist
How to Stay Safe During a Wildfire
Returning Home After a Wildfire
FEMA Improving Individual and Community Wildfire Resilience Summit Resources
New Mexico Smoke from Fires and Your Health Toolkit
The Importance of Flood Insurance After Wildfires
Flood Risks Increase After Fires
Post-Wildfire Flood Insurance Information for Ruidoso Residents
NMDOH Guidance on Mold Prevention
New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Disaster Recovery Hotline (Chaves County): 1-833-663-4736
Chaves County residents can call 211 to report a missing person
Shelter (Chaves County):
American Red Cross of Southeastern New Mexico
Phone: (575) 623-4867
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
Disaster Assistance Line: 1-800-621-FEMA (3362)
Website: FEMA Assistance
Local Shelters
Roswell Homeless Coalition: Temporary shelter for displaced individuals and families.
Phone: (575) 625-0980
Salvation Army Roswell Corps: Emergency shelter and food.
Phone: (575) 622-8700
Flood Recovery and Cleanup Resources (Chaves County):
Flood Damage Cleanup and Restoration
SERVPRO of Roswell:
Phone: (575) 359-1130
Paul Davis Restoration:
Phone: (575) 208-0647
Chaves County Public Works: For road closures, debris removal, and infrastructure updates.
Phone: (575) 624-6612
Website: Chaves County Public Works
Business Disaster Preparedness
Ensuring you are prepared in the face of a natural disaster is key to mitigating negative impacts on your business.
Business Disaster Preparedness Toolkit
- Have critical lists of insurance providers, suppliers, customers and employee contact information on hand.
- Develop an employee-contact strategy, allowing you to ensure they’re safe amidst an evacuation.
- Maintain an off-site server to make sure financial records, inventories and other critical business infrastructure is preserved in the event a wildfire destroys hard drives or physical copies.
- Download the Small Business Administration and Red Cross apps to allow for direct access to emergency support.
- Take pictures of assets like inventory to show insurance companies later on.
- Look to apply for recovery loans from the SBA and other financial support on offer
Unemployment Information (Chaves County):
Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) benefits will be available to those impacted by flooding in Roswell if President Biden issues a Federal Disaster.
According to the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions, if your employment has been affected by the flooding in Chaves County, you may file a standard Unemployment Insurance Claim which is the first step in the process, either online at https://www.jobs.state.nm.us or by phone at 1-877-664-6984 Monday-Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm. When applying for benefits, you will be asked if your work separation is related to a declared disaster in New Mexico, please indicate “Yes” if your employment was impacted by the flooding in the declared area.
Mental and Physical Health Resources:
- Agora Crisis Center Agora, based out of the University of New Mexico, is a place anyone can call when they need someone to listen. Call (505) 277-3013 or 866-HELP-1-NM (866-435-7166). Agora also offers online chat support.
- Crisis Center of Northern New Mexico For 24-hour crisis support, visit Crisis Center of Northern New Mexico or call 1-800-206-1656.
- New Mexico Crisis and Access Line Visit New Mexico Crisis and Access Line or call 1-855-NMCRISIS (662-7474).
- Disaster Distress Helpline The Disaster Distress Helpline provides year-round, 24/7 phone and text-based crisis counseling for anyone experiencing emotional distress related to natural or man-made disasters. Those impacted by recent wildfires and experiencing distress can reach out for support. Call 1-800-985-5990 or text “TalkWithUs” to 66746 or “Hablanos” to 66746 for Spanish.
- Eastern New Mexico Medical Center (Roswell Flooding): For flood-related injuries or illnesses. Phone: (575) 622-8170
- La Casa Family Health Center (Roswell Flooding): For general health concerns post-flood. Phone: (575) 623-3255
Needs Assistance:
The Health Care Authority and Medicaid Turquoise Care health plan representatives are here to help community members with:
- Replacement Medical insurance ID cards for Medicaid members,
- Replacement of SNAP EBT cards,
- Medicaid and SNAP enrollment,
- Peer-to-peer emotional and mental support for all people impacted by the fires,
- Other food and shelter needs
A free helpline is available at 866-447-3573 for resources and emotional support for emergency events.
Food Distribution
Community Kitchen (Roswell): Emergency food distribution for flood victims.
Phone: (575) 623-0068
ECECD has temporarily expanded Child Care Assistance to offer free child care during this time of need. Local child care professionals can provide your child with a safe, healthy, high-quality learning environment and well-balanced meals. All you need to apply is a picture ID.
CALL TO APPLY: 1-800-832-1321
Email Questions to: ECECD-ECS-AtRisk@state.nm.us
Legal Assistance:
Get help with insurance claims, landlord-tenant disputes, and replacing lost documents