
COVID-19 Employee Screening

Easily implement COVID-19 screening at your workplace to ensure no one is entering your location if they are displaying symptoms while automatically logging results.

Keep Your Business Operating

On May 15th the State of New Mexico released its new “All Together New Mexico: COVID-safe practices for individuals and employers” containing a number of requirements and best practices for all businesses in New Mexico.

The directives to all businesses in the State of New Mexico, can be found here.

As a part of these minimum requirements there is a new requirement for all businesses to:

“Screen employees before they enter the workplace each day (verbally or with a written form or text-based or other app). Send employees home who are experiencing the following COVID-19 symptoms related to COVID-19 and direct them to obtain free testing through the Department of Health.”

Businesses which are not conducting daily health and temperature assessments will not be eligible to operate.

Since this is a new requirement which applies to all of us, NMCC has sourced a technology provider which can quickly and easily enable each of our businesses to remain open (or re-open) safely, and comply with this requirement.

CrowdBlink Protect is a COVID-19 screening and assessment application which you can quickly deploy at your business to easily and quickly conduct these assessments and record temperature readings.

CrowdBlink Protect doesn’t require any infrastructure to be installed on site, and requires no paperwork or physical record keeping. It has already been deployed at the multi-billion dollar LAX airport construction project, as well as manufacturing facilities, retirement homes, and food processing.

For most businesses this application will effectively help you comply with government regulations, show your employees that you’re taking all steps to keep the workplace safe, and help keep your business operating for $49 per month.

To sign up for the application, visit

Click here for a demo video on CrowdBlink

To download the documents below as a PDF, click here

CrowdBlink Protect Two-Page Brief